The facilities of WISL
eREP provide for generation of electronic files where paper is currently printed and makes
them available to the recipient in a form to conveniently process on a desktop utility in
either text, html of pdf format. The user may print only those portions of the documents
where hard copy is necessary and may reformat the results in a manner more convenient for
specific needs.
Server: Open Systems
- UNIX; AIX, Solaris
- Windows Server
- Linux; Redhat
Workstation: Windows platform
- Windows PC
- Mac emulation
- Thin client
Third Party Software
- Rocket's UniVerse DBMS or other
multivalue DBMS
- Rocket's
WebDE Middleware
Installation Preparation
Some printer specification
integration may be desirable to interface with existing infomation systems.
Summary of Features
- Simple e-printer specification
- Integrated with all WISL products
- Can be integrated with other
UniVerse applications
- Easy electronic print file
- Features to prep files for
effective display
- Display can be handled with
familiar desktop facilities and web browser