WISL Webbill
The goal of WISL Webbill is to
provide a browser based facility for the collection of carrier probill records that
may then be transferred to another WISL system (eg. WISL Shipment Analysis or
WISL Billing)to be utilized for auditing or billing. It is anticipated that the
facility could be used by shippers or carriers. If it is used by carriers to
provide direct billing input under the license of a shipper, a feature is
optionally available (invoked by carrier) to generate a flat file of records that
contain the data attributes to update a financial accounting system to reflect
the billing.
- Windows Server, Internet Information
- Redhat Linux, Apache
Workstation: Any device that can run a browser
(Windows Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator or Firefox) and can access the corporate
intranet or internet as required
- Windows PC
- Mac
- Thin client
Third Party Software
- IBMs UniVerse DBMS provides
for support of imported and generated data base files
- JAVA Application