WISL Staff Scheduling
Staff Scheduling consists of
some computer based facilities to assist with the generation and management of a
staff schedule. A browser based staff availability entry capability along with a
facility to import the staff availability matrix and a staff requirement matrix
to generate a schedule are the key components of the system.
The browser based capability to enter staff availability puts the onus
directly upon each staff member to provide timely and accurate data upon which
the schedule may be built. WISL SS also allows for the import of staff
requirement data into the scheduling process. Various parameters may be
specified to help create optimum results.
Server: Open Systems
- UNIX; AIX, Solaris
- Windows Server
- Linux; Redhat
- Windows Server, Internet Information
- Redhat Linux, Apache
Workstation: Any device that can run a browser
(Windows Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator or Firefox) and can access the corporate
intranet or internet as required
- Windows PC
- Mac
- Thin client
Third Party Software
WISL Staff Scheduling Features
- Staff Authorization Set-up
- Staff Availability Entry
- Staff Requirements Import
- Staff Scheduling Set-up
- Staff Scheduling
- Staff Schedule Management
- Completed Schedule Import
- Comparative Schedule Reporting