WISL Freight Audit
WISL Freight Audit(WFA) provides for the
recording of invoiced shipments. It also identifies duplicates or overlapping billing by
connecting carriers, and effectively eliminates the possibility of paying for a shipment
more than once. If the bill of lading had been previously recorded through the shipping
interface facility the invoice charge is compared to the rated amount and any discrepancy
is reported. If the bill of lading was not previously recorded the bill is rated and then
Carrier freight bills may also be imported
directly through WISL EDIT, automatically rated, compared with BOL records and exception
reporting generated.
A mechanism is available to periodically
determine carrier liablity and generate transactions to update the corporate ERP system to
provide for carrier payment.
WFA provides for the recording of a great deal
more data than is required for auditing as such data may be desired for further analysis.
The extent of such record keeping is customized for each installation.
Server: Open Systems
- UNIX; AIX, Solaris
- Windows Server
- Linux; Redhat
Workstation: Text or GUI apps, anything that runs
AccuTerm terminal emulation ; text only apps, dumb terminal that emulates industry
standard term types
- Windows PC
- Mac
- Thin client
- Various dumb terminals
Third Party Software
- IBMs UniVerse DBMS
- AccuSofts terminal emulation package
- PC Miler, + PC Miler Server + Canadian Postal
WISL Software Modules
- Freight Analysis Information System Shipping
- Freight Analysis Information Rates Maintenance(RM)
- Freight Analysis Information Route Analysis(RA)
- Freight Analysis Information Shipment Analysis(SA)
- WISL EDI Transportation(EDIT)
Installation Preparation
There are many files that must be
established to accomplish the freight management activities performed by WFA. Many of
these are maintained by the facilities of FAIS SI. They include the Carrier file,
Customer(corporate structure) file and the Dealer(client customer) file. Some of these
files may be partially maintained by ongoing imports from the corporate ERP system through
A key area of focus is on the accuracy and
completeness of shipping location data in the ERP customer file. Postal codes are
necessary to perform the rating integral to WFA.
Essential to auto-rating is that carrier rate
quotes and tariffs must be maintained(FAIS RM).
Miscellaneous freight management files
- Ship Location postal/zip codes
- Freight Rates(FAIS RM)
System Flow
Below is an overview of the main system
flow of WFA. Third party software and WISL modules are shown in brackets where they are
utilized in the process.
On-going maintenance of carrier rates and
tariffs(FAIS RM, PC Miler)
Import of carrier rate quotes(FAIS SI) , WISL
BOL import from corporate ERP system(FAIS SI)
Import or entry of carrier freight bills(WISL
Auto-rating and exception analysis(FAIS RA, PC
Periodic determination of carrier liability(FAIS
Freight cost centre assignment(FAIS SA)
Interface with ERP for carrier payment(FAIS SI)
Operational reporting is available at
every stage of the system flow
A great deal of analytical reporting is also
available(FAIS SI, FAIS RA, FAIS SA)