WISL Distribution Control
The WISL Distribution Control System
directs the distribution of shipments from a dock location and provides an interface
between order or shipment data base functions and distribution operations. It can accept
input from an order entry system and allow the automatic generation of loading units and
configuration of trips for truckload shipping. It also generates all shipment related
documentation and automatically generates shipment status update records to corporate and
customer information systems.
Server: Open Systems
- UNIX; AIX, Solaris
- Windows Server
- Linux; Redhat
Workstation: Text or GUI apps, anything that runs
AccuTerm terminal emulation ; text only apps, dumb terminal that emulates industry
standard term types
- Windows PC
- Mac
- Thin client
- Various dumb terminals
Third Party Software
- IBMs UniVerse DBMS
- AccuSofts terminal emulation package
- PC Miler, + PC Miler Server + Canadian Postal
WISL Software Modules
Minimum Configuration:
- WISL Distribution Control(WDC)
- Freight Analysis Information System Shipping
Auto Rating:
- Freight Analysis Information Rates Maintenance(RM)
- Freight Analysis Information Route Analysis(RA)
Warehouse Management:
- WISL Warehouse Management(WWM)
Freight Audit:
- Freight Analysis Information Shipment Analysis(SA)
- WISL EDI Transportation(EDIT)
Interactive Trip Modeling:
Installation Preparation
There are many files that must be
established to accomplish the freight management activities performed by WDC. Most of
these are maintained by the facilities of FAIS SI. They include the Carrier file,
Customer(corporate structure) file, the Dealer(client customer) file and the SKU file.
Some of these files may be partially maintained by ongoing imports from the corporate ERP
system through WISL EDIL.
One of two key areas of focus in data base
preparation for installation is the SKU file which must contain the typical descriptive
and categorizing data attributes but each record must also be updated with data attributes
specifically required for the freight management activities of WDC, these include
dimension attributes(height, width and length) and storage/shipping unit data. The second
area of focus is on the accuracy and completeness of shipping location data in the ERP
customer file. Postal codes are necessary to perform the routing and rating integral to
If auto-rating is to be employed then carrier
rate quotes and tariffs must be maintained(FAIS RM).
Miscellaneous freight management files
Ship Location postal/zip codes
Freight Rates(FAIS RM)
System Flow
Below is an overview of the main system
flow of WDC. Third party software and other WISL modules are shown in brackets where they
are utilized in the process.
Order import from corporate ERP
Load Unit Modeling
Review of Load Unit Modeling Results re-run
if required
Truck Modeling(PC Miler, FAIS RA)
Review of Truck Modeling Results re-run if
Trip clerically modified if required
Picking Documents generated
Pick from hard copy or RF facilities of WISL
Warehouse Management(WWM)
Trip status marked as shipped, documents generated
and electronic records sent to corporate and customer systems(EDIL) Inventory updated via
transaction or in place with facilities of WISL Warehouse Management(WWM)
Operational reporting is available at
every stage of the system flow including order tracking inquiry
A great deal of analytical reporting is also
available(FAIS SI, FAIS RA)